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Practice Dr. Kalz - Oral surgery - Dental Implantologie - Oral medicine
Specialist in oral surgery - Certification in implantology
Postoperative behaviourSwabs and postoperative bleeding Bite on the swab for at least 20-30 minutes and then remove it. If bleeding continues, bite on one of the swabs provided, or a clean cloth handkerchief for a further 30 minutes so that the wound can heal. If bleeding still continues you should come back to the practice. Eating and drinking You should not eat anything until the anaesthetic wears off. Otherwise you can injure yourself. Coffee, Tea, Alcohol, Smoking, Sport For three days following the operation you should avoid anything that stimulates the circulation and cause further bleeding. You should therefore NOT drink coffee, green or black tea, alcohol or cola drinks. You should not smoke during this period. You are also advised not to take part in sporting activities for one week. Cooling The area of treatment should be cooled externally for 24 hours with the cool packs provided in order to keep swelling to a minimum. The swelling reaches its peak some 48 hours after the operation. Take care to avoid frostbite of the skin. Oral hygiene You can continue with your daily oral hygiene but avoid the area of the operation. For the first few days after the operation avoid too vigorous gargling as this can slow down the healing process. Removal of stitches Stitches are removed in the practice about one week after the operation. Medicine Please take the medicine as instructed by us.